Buildings and Grounds
The main administration building holds the main office, principal’s office, staffroom, resource room and music room. The classroom building (known as the BER building), has two classrooms, an Out of School Hours Care Room and Art room, meeting room and students’ toilets. The STEM Studio is located next to the administration building.
Play Areas
We have extensive play areas, including a large oval, basketball court, a large 36sqm sandpit, play equipment under shade sails and our Land for Wildlife area (see below).
School Chickens
We have six beloved school chickens who have their own coop but are let out to free range around the school yard each day. The students take turns caring for the chickens, including changing the feed and water and collecting the eggs.
Vegetable Garden and Cooking Program
Gardening continues to be an integral part of the curriculum. The vegetable garden has been redeveloped and students grow produce for the kitchen garden project, supplemented with eggs from the School’s free range hens. One of our students’ favourite activities is the fortnightly cooking program, using the produce grown in the garden and eggs from the chickens.
Land for Wildlife
Buxton Primary is very fortunate to have a ‘Land for Wildlife’ area as part of the school grounds. This area, which includes a range of significant local indigenous plants, has been landscaped to preserve and enhance the natural bush setting. The Land for Wildlife area is an important focus in students’ environmental education and one of their favourite places for imaginative play in a bush setting during the cooler months of the year.