
In addition to our own comprehensive school library collection, we have access to larger collections through the Mobile Area Resource Centre and the Murrindindi Mobile Library.

The MARC (Mobile Area Resource Centre)

The Library Van visits once a fortnight on Fridays to provide library lessons and book borrowing for students and staff. The MARC Van teacher also organises an annual camp at Rubicon Outdoor Centre where students in Years 3-6 have the unique opportunity to work closely with an author/illustrator for three days.

Murrindindi Mobile Library

The Murrindindi Mobile Library visits Buxton (outside the Community Hall) each week on Tuesday mornings. Students are encouraged to borrow books to read at home and at school.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Taungurung people as the first peoples of Buxton and the surrounding areas. The Taungurung have been custodians and caretakers of the land, animals and waters for many thousands of years and continue to perform age-old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal. We also recognise other Indigenous peoples living and working in the Buxton area.

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

In response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, Buxton Primary School is committed to promoting and embedding respectful relationships and gender equality into our school’s curriculum, ethos, vision and values. In our school, the focus is on treating everyone with respect and dignity, developing personal, social and emotional skills and contributing to early intervention through education. We aim to create real and lasting change in the lives of our students, staff, families and the wider school community.

Cathedral Ranges 1900 blue

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Taungurung people as the first peoples of Buxton and the surrounding areas. The Taungurung have been custodians and caretakers of the land, animals and waters for many thousands of years and continue to perform age-old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal. We also recognise other Indigenous peoples living and working in the Buxton area.

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

In response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, Buxton Primary School is committed to promoting and embedding respectful relationships and gender equality into our school’s curriculum, ethos, vision and values. In our school, the focus is on treating everyone with respect and dignity, developing personal, social and emotional skills and contributing to early intervention through education. We aim to create real and lasting change in the lives of our students, staff, families and the wider school community.

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